The April heat wave has arrived and being the smart thinker that I am, I hit the hiking trail at 2:30pm and shortly after realized I am not a smart thinker at all.
Like, who hikes a 5 mile trail in full sun during a heat wave????
Me, that's who. I prayed and sang the first mile. Cried the second mile. Swore like a truck driver the third mile. Cried harder the fourth mile. The fifth mile was a combination of all of the previous miles until I reached my beautifully airconditioned car.
That was a rough one...but it sure felt good later.
Boy #1 is playing a gig in these parts this week and so he arrived home and immediately got to work on some 100 year old cast iron pans. I've now got buckets of lye and buckets of vinegar in the garden and it smells a bit like a distillary back there...but wow, those cast irons pots look like new.
Now to dispose of buckets of lye water. Yikes. No one thinks of those things at the beginning of a project.
I made a huge baked pasta with roasted eggplant and sausage last night and it was DEVOURED in one sitting because I've raised boys that like to eat. I had hoped to save a small bowl for myself for lunch but that too was discovered...and eaten.
Black cat. White bed.
Even kitties like freshly laundered bedding.
This cat though? Two baby bunnies have been brought to me in the last two days. She's a hunter...and I'm a screamer. We're a good pair.
That guy that I like so much posted a note on his work door that said 'I'll be a bit late. The sun is shining, the water is warm and my bride and I are having breakfast.'
Now that's why I married him.
We love hanging at Alta Coffee in's got a cool vibe to it and the breakfasts are yummy.
I'm on the lookout for a cool door for our bar...think these people would notice if theirs went missing?
Driving home behind this car and thinking whoever printed the wrap for their car should've used spell check.
Can you spot it?
Brian had a wisdom teeth consult and in true Busch form, what is supposed to be ordinary and easy is anything but. There's an issue and those buggars need to come out as quickly as in first thing Monday morning. And yeah, this was a 2nd opinion and yeah, it's just no fun...but we're all stocked with stuff to make pudding and popsicles and homemade acai bowls.
This poor baby...he's had a lot of anesthesia in the last 6 months.
While the heat has been ruining my afternoon hikes, my garden has been so very, very happy...especially the artichokes.
Guess what we'll be eating this weekend?
Today was frustrating work wise. So many big things going on and it ain't easy...pulled my car into the Sonic drive thru and had myself a ginormous sugar-free cherry limeade while listening to For King and Country on iRadio and suddenly everything just seemed a little bit brighter.
I need to remember to take those minutes to breathe and refocus when things get makes me feel like everything will be ok. Coming home and making a big pot of beef stew helps too...there's something about a house full of something heavenly cooking long and slow in the oven that makes our little house feel like a little home.
And that's a good thing.

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