Spring is here and I am so very, very happy.
I like warm...well, unless I am trying to sleep (like now...it's 3:30am).
Oh well.
So this weekend? Well, it started with a long hike. Just me and my dog and 5 miles of trail. I needed it and so did he; immediately afterward he had a one on one with the groomer who bathed him and clipped his nails. For a scaredy dog, this was a big deal. Poor pup.
Cutest concert program ever, inspired by our middle son and his friends and a collage they made while sitting at the donut shop in the middle of the night.
The concert on Friday was lovely. The cocktails after were lovely.
And then they packed up and left town on tour and the rest of the weekend, while lovely, was extremely quiet. And maybe a little lonely.
Saturday morning was another hike, minus the dog and plus one girlfriend. I came home to a still sleeping houseful of boys and made homemade biscuits with sausage gravy. Not a norm in our house but so very, very yummy.
The garden got a good watering, my desk got cleaned out, the bookshelf in my bedroom got cleaned out and the laundry was laundered.
All in all...a very productive day.
My produce box came (can't wait for my garden to bloom!) and in it was 2 stalks of sugar cane.
Yeah, my thoughts exactly.
Sunday, a walk around our lake. Church. Some more cleaning. A nap.
Sunday afternoon...Brian's basketball banquet. The food was good, the parents were intense, I was a bit melancholy of the old days, and Brian got a really cool award. All in all...a nice event.
I did dash out to hold a new baby boy. Oh my...I do love a new baby.
And then that guy that I like so much came home and all was well in the land. Well...sort of. He's exhausted, Brian had a computer issue, there was a houseful of boys here playing video games, the dog needed to be walked, there are two sugar canes on the counter that my crew can't keep their hands off of, someone forgot to put the milk back in the fridge and the trash smelled.
Welome home, honey. Life on a bus with 50 college students was probably more relaxing.

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