We took a drive an hour or so south the other day. I love driving south...miles and miles of ocean along the freeway. Miles and miles of cars, too...but hey, you can't have everything.
The reason? Matteo, who for 7 years marched in a drum and bugle corps, is now an instructor for a drum and bugle corps. After paying for years and years, they are now paying him to sleep on gym floors and eat food out of a truck kitchen all while traveling the whole US of A and competing.
He's the guy in the middle...and it was really cool to see him in that role.
He had a night off so we picked him up and brought him home for long enough to eat, do laundry, repack and hit the road again.
But first, because he's a weirdo, we went to Target for some supplies...including mustache wax. This kid has always marched to his own drum...I mean, hello? Plaid shorts and striped shirts which, gulp, he makes look good...but the 'stache?
I blame his father, who played Nintendo so much when this kid was a baby that now we have a boy who resembles Luigi. Yep...this one is on the patriarch of our family.
For the record...the kid says he's going to keep growing it and growing it.
We drove him back the next morning and once he was dropped off, we asked Siri for 'great breakfast in Oceanside'.
And, by golly, she hasn't steered us wrong yet.
This place, The Beach Break Cafe, rocked. Oh my...not many places I'd drive an hour to eat at, but this place I would. We ordered the banana crunch french toast and the corned beef hash...that hash?
To. Die. For.
I then made that guy that I like so much take me into the huge veterans thrift store down the street where I scored an adorbs black skirt and an Ann Taylor blazer for a grand total of $11.

Congrats, Michele! Your blog was selected as blog of the quarter! :]