Monday, January 7, 2013

It's Been Fun

 Well...I've been hit and miss here in blogland for the last few weeks.  Life just got busy and loud chaotic with all my boys home for Christmas...and while it was busy and loud and chaotic, it was also quite fun.  Most of the time.  There were times when I would give that guy that I like so much the all knowing look...the 'I need to get out of this house' look which he thankfully picked up on rather quickly.

Maybe because the look often accompanied a grumble.  Ot two.


We went out one night for a late night movie date, stopping first for a caramel apple to sneak into the theater with us.  And not just a plain caramel apple, but an apple smothered in chocolate and caramel and toffee and pecans.  Yum.  We saw Les Mis and I thought it was ok.  Lots of singing.  Maybe too much.

Oh was a musical.  I guess I missed that memo.


Another night was a 4 hour long dinner with our friends who now live in Texas.  Fun to sit and laugh and plan trips and eat and all felt so grown up.  Hmmm...I guess we are all grown ups now so that shouldn't surprise me.


The next morning, we loaded up my car with 26 years worth of computers and took them to a donation drive that our church was having.  One of those computers was used to write a thesis.  Another for a dissertation.  One was used with our very first email account on AOL...the email account that I still use today.  One was used to play roller coaster tycoon for days on end (my boys LOVED that game!) and another was used to start my very first blog.  

The only bummer was the 'nominal fee' to wipe the hard drives clean...nominal as in $25.  Each computer.  And we were donating 7.  Had to do some smooth sweet talking but in all honesty, there was no way I was paying that much.  Thankfully, they didn't make us.

And yes, we could've done it ourselves, but this was a very last minute decision on our part.

We also stopped for lunch near the beach...clam chowder and a baguette.  The clam chowder was promptly spilled in my car which ruined the fun a bit.

The good news?  The fish smell is stronger than the sweaty boy smell.


Following church (where we sang lovely carols...I am so not ready for Christmas music to go away yet!) we stopped for mexican food.  Carnitas, beans, rice and fresh tortillas...SO GOOD.

I ate a third and Brian polished off the rest.  Plus his entire lunch.

The babe of the family is growing.  Again.


Monday is a big day for us.  Sabbatical for that guy that I like so much is (very sadly) over...and he won't have another for 6 years.  Not complaining because it's a blessing that he even gets one, but sniffling a little at the loss of my very favorite lunch partner.  

Not going to lie, though.  I have not been alone in my little house on my little street since last spring.  Part of me is just a little bit giddy at the thought of playing hooky and spending time lying on my couch watching hallmark movies without a single male making a single comment.

It's the little things.


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