Last week I hosted nine Bella Michele Jewelry E-Parties in 1 week.
I am truly insane.
Add on two displays for private parties, which makes me doubly insane.
(and thankful, too!)

In between, we've been escaping to the beach as much as possible because child #3 starts to hyperventilate if his feet go more than 3 days without touching the ocean.
He's funny like that.
This week while I hammer away at jewelry and skip cleaning my house, Brian is not at the ocean but at skateboard camp with his friend.
It's not the ocean, but it's fun...though I did promise a quick trip tomorrow after camp.
School starts two weeks from Thursday for the younger boys...the college boy is moving back on campus this week. I can honestly say I am sad to see summer come and go but I am thrilled that Fall is right around the corner!

I have to comment on your display. When I was doing craft shows, I used a black iron coffee mug tree to display ornaments. Looks like your basket holder does the trick for necklaces!