I'm just coming off a really super incredible weekend...one of those weekends where I could tell that the light actually is at the end of the rainbow.
Summer is coming and I can feel it.
Friday night was my final birthday dinner with my most favorite meal ever...moussaka. Not just moussaka, but really great moussaka. The kind of moussaka that there isn't a recipe for and it is SO GOOD. This birthday of mine has dragged on and on and I'm ready to put it to rest until next year and this was the perfect send off.
My people are good, crazy people.
Saturday morning was a delightfully lazy morning. We stayed in our pjs forever and I only got up off the couch long enough to make a pasta frittata and a pot of coffee. Around noon we ventured out of the family room and I worked on a puzzle while that guy that I like so much putzed in the garden.
And then we met back up on the couch and each took a cat nap on our respective ends and, well...it was heavenly.
And then we met back up on the couch and each took a cat nap on our respective ends and, well...it was heavenly.
Staurday afternoon we road tripped it up to a wedding of our beautiful friend. This little house on our little street has produced the sweetest, most special friendships and it's such a blessing to have been planted here.
The house is little. The life that comes with it is not.
These two boys climbed trees together and now Kyle is a soldier...we are so proud of him and miss him so much. The Grassy Hill gang cleans up well.
Sunday morning, Brian sang with the choir in church and so a shower before hand was in order. It had been a few days, so I'm sure the people sitting next to us were appreciative.
Hot dogs at Jerry's after. More puzzles. A movie. Or two.
Can every day be a weekend???
Hot dogs at Jerry's after. More puzzles. A movie. Or two.
Can every day be a weekend???
I scored some incredible short ribs at Costco and cooked them low and slow all day, mashed some potatoes, made a big salad and invited the neighbors last minute...the garden was so pretty and was begging to be filled.
That whole little house, big table thing at its best...I'm not sure how it works but it just seems like the food always stretches to feed whoever walks in the door.
This garden of ours is such a special place and I'm so ready for summer garden parties. Let me know if you'd like to come.
And then Monday came and guess what? The weekend continued! Alex was at the beach, Brian had to work, the oldest was settled in to his new home. I bought a HUGE ribeye and that guy that I like so much coated that thing with salt and wood-fired it and my oh my was it ever good. I could easily be a vegetarian if it wasn't for beef.
Fred Flinstone would be happy here. Very, very happy.
To go with that steak? Champagne. Real champagne.
I totally dig real champagne.
And just for a bit I forgot that the dishwasher stopped working, the laundry was piled up, our dog has anxiety issues and there is a really nasty plumbing issue happening around these parts...and I know for a fact it's a boy issue and right now I'm totally irritated by whoever caused it.
So that champagne?
Needed. Much needed.
Farewell, really great weekend...thanks for the memories.
I'm going to miss you.

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