I cannot believe that vacation is all over...it seemed to fly right on by. The first part was a LOT of work getting ready for Christmas and the 2nd part was pure joy...though that guy that I like so much might say that it was one party too many.
Because seriously, we had a party every. single. night.
There've been dinners out with friends, dinners over at friends houses, dinners here at our house. The calories consumed have been astronomical, but that's ok. New Year's wouldn't be New Year's if there wasn't a resolution of healthy eating and exercise involved...right?
That being said, I'm ready for the routine to begin again. I was forced to fire up my computer and answer some emails today; tomorrow I need to be in my car and on the road by 6:30am. It's all good...tonight I am sitting on my couch eating See's candy and watching a movie. Tomorrow will be here before I know it and there won't be a break for quite a while to come.
This weekend was supposed to be about quiet time. Time to prep for going back to 'real life'. Instead, we went out for dinner on Friday night and spent a gift card we had received for a dinner out...YUM. We had cocktails and it felt so...I don't know? Grown up, I guess.
And while we were at dinner out, friends texted and asked if we wanted to meet up for dinner on Saturday night. Never ones to turn down an invite, we responded yes and had such a fun time at another favorite restaurant, eating way too much good food and yes, a cocktail or two.
I see many long hikes in my future.
So, basically, I'm saying that I need to go back to work to recover from my vacation.
So, here we go. Back to the routine. I've been working on our 2013 highlights and the way it's going, it should be ready by November. If I'm lucky.
Oh, and Downton Abbey starts again tonight. We're taping it and will watch it at some point this week...can't wait!

The pic of your decorations piled on your table made me smile. I do the same thing! I go around and collect stuff from each room and then pile it all on the table to be packed up. It is the only way I can (sort of) make sure that nothing gets forgotten and found around Valentine's day when the Christmas stuff has long been packed into the attic.