Last weekend that guy that I like so much had a clinic to run in Bakersfield, about 2 1/2 hours from home. We drove up on Friday afternoon (after handling the medical emergency of our middle born son) and in typical LA fashion, had to deal with lots of traffic.
So Cal traffic is the absolute worst. Little house close to work? Totally worth not having to commute.
Once there, and after we checked into our hotel, we went for a super great dinner at a local wine bar. The crispy brussel sprouts were absolutely fantastic and since I'm not willing to deal with that traffic on a weekly basis, I've gotta try and make them at home.
So yummy.
I ran into a McD's to use the restroom and wow...McD's has gotten fancy schmancy.
Well...not the bathroom. That was still nasty.
Just sayin'.
The boy is back on the court. The mother is on the edge of her seat with her eyes covered.
Five more games until his sporting career is over.
We can do this.
I think.
Driving home over the mountain and the storm rolled in...a few hours later and this pass was covered in snow. The drive for us was easy and on the way home we listened to the most incredible music ever by Ludovico of the benefits of being married to a music guy.
The album is called Portrait and every time I hear it I cry...the kind of cry where I can't figure out if I'm happy or sad. This music touches me so much and is so amazingly beautiful...give it a listen.
The whole album is like this and it just takes me to a place that I can't explain...and even as I'm writing this, I've got tears just running down my cheeks.
We arrived home on Saturday night and I did a mass amount of laundry and threw a bunch of things in a suitcase. I'm in south Florida right now for work and heading soon to west Florida...and this trip came at a good time.
I love these boys of mine...a lot. But I have to say, they've broken me. I've been working a lot and they (plural...for multiple boys) have worn me to the core and I couldn't get on the plane fast enough.
And while on the plane on Sunday morning I began a study of Ruth...of how she had nothing and then had something and had nothing and had something. How God blessed her. How she opened her heart, how she cared for others.
I needed that reminder...that reminder that it's not all about the mess. It's about what that mess means...the relationships that are a part of that mess.
Getaways are really, really good because they make the homecomings so much sweeter.
And so tonight as I'm sitting here in my fancy hotel eating pad thai and drinking a glass (or two) of wine while getting ready for my work day tomorrow...I'm starting to let go of the frustrations that the last few weeks have brought. I took a long, hot bath and am already looking forward to sleeping smack dab in the middle of that king size bed but boy oh boy, do I miss the males in my house.
Not their dishes. Or their laundry. But their faces...I miss their faces.
But first? I've got four more nights of maid service and I'm going to enjoy every. single. second of it.

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