Tuesday, November 18, 2014

A Quick Hello

The other night called for the breaking open of a brand new box of See's candy.  Nothing better in my opinion and it's so hard to choose only one...but I really do try to.  Dark chocolate truffles for that guy that I like so much; a mix for me but usually something involving a cherry.

Usually, but not always, if the candy comes out then we are sitting for a long time at the table catching up on stuff.  In this case it was a few phone updates that I believe whole heartedly were put on this earth to ruin my whole life (or at least my day) and I was not happy...but candy did help.

So did talking about it for hours.


Boy #2, who has a BIG birthday approaching, has yet to make it through a year without some big illness or injury.  However, his 21st year is THE year for a new trend to begin...but he's ending his 20th year with a jacked up knee.  

Ah well.

Nothing that can't be fixed.

So Cal weather has us still in flip flops.

No complaints from me.


I began the week on top of things but now feel behind.  Again.  It's only Tuesday, but work has been a tad bit trying lately.  But...for a few hours this morning, I will forget all that.  Bible study today and then lunch at a girlfriends house where I will happily turn off my phone for a few short hours.


Supper tonight?  I'm not sure yet.  I'll head to the market and pick up something that sounds good.  


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