That guy that I like so much has a cute car that needed a service and when they lifted the hood, they found sweet little footprints, snail shells, and well, droppings.
Rats in the car. Nasty, nasty, nasty. Nothing a few moth balls can't cure, but the fact that I live in the middle of town, three coyotes ate my neighbors cat outside my bedroom window and now there are rats living in the cars...well, I'm just (for lack of a better word) disturbed. And grossed out.
Oh, and perturbed. The rats haven't (yet) caused any damage but the two headlights on his cute fancy car that needed to be replaced?
$650.00. For BULBS.
How many flashlights can you buy for that amount of money?
We did what any people do who are just over reality right now...we ditched work and went to Disneyland. It just seemed like the right thing to do.
I was starving when we got there so we shared a breakfast...a comfort food breakfast. Biscuits and gravy. Low cal? Nope. Cheaper than therapy? Yep.
Nuthin' beats a good biscuit.
We rode the Haunted Mansion and then just walked the whole park, park hopped on over to CA Adventure, got a coffee and rode Soarin' Over California. It was chilly (chilly in SoCal means I should have brought a sweater) and not at all crowded (love Disney in the winter) and it felt good to be in the fresh air.
We then picked up that guy that I like so much's car and I went one direction and he went another. His direction was more expensive than mine because, I guess, we needed another something or other to make our lives run smoother. Or faster. Or easier.
I don't ask questions but apparently it is doing what it is supposed to be doing. I'd rather it mop a floor or clean a bathroom, but speedier internet is more important to males than clean floors and toilets.
Supper? Grilled pork chops and a green panzanella...arugula, olives, cucumber, capers and grilled bread tossed with a basil vinaigrette.
I followed this recipe and it was super yummy.
No spending of money.
No spending of money.

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