This morning my alarm went off at 3:00am and by 3:45am I was on my way to the big airport in the big city. I flew to Denver and sprinted (seriously) to my next flight...thanks Expedia for the 22 minute connection. The way home should be a breeze...I have a whole 40 minute layover.
I'm not a nervous flyer; in fact, I love to travel. I don't like that I'm wedged in and I don't love that United Airlines doesn't so much as give you a peanut for free anymore, but I love that I'm going somewhere and that I'm going somewhere fast.
Not that I don't love a roadtrip now and then, but there's something to be said about getting from point A to point B in the blink of an eye.
On this trip I was gazing out the window and noticed that a screw on the wing was circled with red sharpie...and there went my stressless flight. Why was it circled? Why? Why? Why?
And now I'm hanging in two towns...Grand Rapids and Wyoming, both in Michigan. It's pretty here. The trees are big and mature and green and the houses all have front yards and back yards and side yards. It's very, very different than where I live and it makes me love this world we live in so very, very much...I love sandy beaches and I love mountains and trees. I'm pretty easy that way and could live long as I have my loves with me.
And I'm missing my loves right I'm off to sleep.

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