Wednesday, April 1, 2009



Launches are exciting.


This whole website business has been so I doing the right thing?  will it work?  can I do this?

The funniest thing happened as I was going thru this whole self doubt thing.  The website has been in the works for a month in an inactive state...which basically means that no one could see it except for the person designing it, the person editing it and me.  Last week it started to come to life and for a short 6 hour window, the site was active and the whole world could see it...however, no one knew about it because I hadn't told hardly anyone.


And during that 6 hour window, 14 people bought necklaces.


Needing a bit of a sanity break from my computer....that guy that I like so much picked me up in his cute car and we drove to the ocean.

And ate the Beachcomber:

Can't get any closer to the ocean than the Beachcomber...and it was a beautiful spring day.  And the sand was warm.
And we ate roasted feta with roasted tomatoes and tapenade...with tears in my eyes because it was SO GOOD.
See?  I even had a bowl of tomato soup...the perfect meal, I must say.
I am off to pick up my in-laws from their ship in just a bit...and then I am home to make jewelry.

Cuz I'm in business now?

Cuz I'm in business now.



  1. Bella Michele, didn't you used to use that as your stripper name?

  2. Xerxes, better behave yourself!

    You just got some free advertising for your jewelry on my blog. I've now figured out how to add a link! :)


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