I have no excuse for not being here except to say that the words were too many and the time was too short. Life...in this stage where my home responsibilities should be lessening but I'm finding they aren't. And that's all ok because it means we are still living life to it's fullest.
So a brief, brief time of catch up.
1. My brood. All are good. But this youngest of mine has suddenly grown-up so much, so quickly. This whole college thing, and the fact that he's barely 18, just came at a time when he was ready but my mama heart wasn't. He's soaring though...immersed in a super tough program and I'm thankful for his occasional visits home for 'real' food.
2. A planned girls weekend to Napa was rained (flooded) out and another, with my high school girlfriends almost was, too...but they were great sports and came here for a long weekend. There is just something about being with people who knew you back when...there is a bond that I can't explain and one I am so thnakful for.
3. Did you know you can fit an 8 foot ladder in a tiny Kia? Where there's a will, there's a way.
It currently holds all my afghans and is super, duper splintery...but cute!
4. My boys all flew home to Colorado for a weekend with our great friends. I was jealous...but loved that they were making memories. But next time? I'm going, too.
5. Rain. Mother Nature has dumped buckets of it and quite frankly, I'm ready for it to end. Everything is so lush and green and...muddy.
6. We took a short overnight trip to NorCal...flew up and then drove home. We were driving along, singing to the Beatles when that guy that I like so much looked at me and said 'I never knew I would like our kids so much'...and I got all teary eyed. Two minutes later they were all annoying me like crazy...but for that brief moment I totally embraced that warm, fuzzy feeling.
7. Rae Dunn mugs. I'm obsessed. I had a few and then my girlfriend found me the motherlode...and I love them sooooo much.
8. I logged many, many miles on my trail last month and I'm struggling with blisters and aches and pains and grumbling and an overall bad attitude. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease in December and am getting used to my new normal...and hiking helps. Or so I keep telling myself. I do everything I can to prolong going but once I'm there I am so glad that I chose to go.
One step, two steps, three steps, four.
9. College tuition payments, an exploded water heater and a car that lost its transmission. January...you decided to keep us on our toes and our credit cards working overtime. Yet another reason I hike...to laugh. And cry. And pray.
10. A quick work trip to Florida. I'm at a crossroads with my work and for now, I'm trusting and praying and letting God lead. It could be that I'm just tired?
And rain. Rain in my business just makes everything so much more complicated.
11. Missed connections in Houston mean margaritas and 10,000 steps on my fitbit while walking from one terminal to another and then back again a whole bunch of times.
Silver lining.
12. Cooking. Lots and lots of cooking for lots and lots of boys. And a girl or two or three.
That's about it. I'd like to find my way back here more...it seems that Instagram is my quick go-to lately, though I'm often told I'm too wordy for that platform. But I just can't help myself...I mean, how do you only write a single sentence? Short and sweet...not my gift.

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