Autumn arrived this weekend and with it, happiness and good cheer on my part. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE Summer. And Spring. And Winter. Let's face it, I love all the seasons...but Autumn? It's the best.
There is a chill in the air and I actually put a sweater on the other night.
The best part? All these nasty BIG spiders go away when the weather gets colder.
We are entering week 3 of termite removal and found out that our pretty window boxes out front cannot be saved. Well, they can be...for a price. And I said no to that price.
Farewell window boxes. It's been real.
Friday night our friends came over and brought with them two large jars of homemade olives. I almost wept...we'd had a jar of them before and to now have TWO WHOLE jars?
And, for the record, my olive tree out back has 47 olives on it. Just enough for one jar. I've been reading up on curing olives and it's just nasty's one of those things that you'd just rather not know about.
Saturday morning I walked out to a kitchen that looked like the end of the well as a text from my girlfriend saying 'thank you for last night' and 'come for dinner tonight?'
My answer? You're Welcome and Yes.
Perfect timing.
Alex was out of town this weekend but had preordered a rather nasty game...which meant little brother had dibs. Perks of being the youngest.
And yep, I know all about the game. And yep, I'm ok with it.
I shouldn't be...Matthew's had his car stolen twice by people who probably locked themselves in a room and played this game until they knew they could do it in real life. Their parents were probably in the other room, hosting dinner parties and listening to Frank Sinatra, dancing occasionally while sipping cocktails.
Oh well.
Add it to the list of things I could do better.
Saturday afternoon found us back in the bleachers, cheering on our favorite high school ball player. Here we go again! No breaks until next August...welcome to our little world. It's a fun little world, so I'm ok with that.
Part of the reason I've been so hit and miss lately is that my computer was not doing so well. It developed a few, well, issues and while traveling with my boss, she used my computer for a bit. And told me to buy a new one.
I'm not one to argue, so I did.
I am sooooo thankful. And let me tell's a groovy computer. It's got some extra of this and some extra of that (to make that guy that I like so much happy) and it turns on and stays on and all the keys work (to make me happy)...a win-win situation.
Blessed. I'm feeling blessed.
This weekend, in a word...restful.
And I needed restful. We did lots, but it felt...easy. Quiet. Fun. Low stress.
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